Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Blood tests

Katie had her blood test yesterday afternoon.

She was so brave and the nurses did a great job making her feel at ease.

Can't wait to find out the results.

Built a step/platform for Kate today so she can transfer better at school. Gave it a varnish this arvo with some nonslip glass beads added, should be the bomb now!!

Looking fwd to this week end for our Big Delica Day Out wiht the Delica Club, Ice creams, Sausages on bread etc.

Still having trouble getting Kate's teacher aides to fully understand the 'Pathfinder'. I don't know what to do about it, her teacher has been with her for only 5 weeks and seems to know more about it. She really seems interested.

The guy from cairns is flying down this afternoon to pick up the Kia Carnival we have had for sale. So that's nearly all finished.

Can't wait for Saturday!!

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