Sunday, December 07, 2008

Paluma Recon

On Sat we went for a drive up the Paluma Range to Lake Paluma to check out some summer camping spots.

It was deadset 10 deg cooler than in town, which was a godsend for Sat.

The drive is a beaut one, about 3/4's of the way up we reached the clouds and down came the windows and up went the sunroof and rear curtains. For about 20mins we drove through thick cloud (this was at about 10am).

On reaching the village we stopped off at the local Cafe/Inn and sampled some of their scones and cake. As were a group of 7 Bike riders also enjoying the cool day out.

After a quick bite it was then onto the dirt and out to the Lake.

A bit of a cruise around by Kate and her chair we soon picked out some good (accessible) camp spots.
A check out of the toilets and all was set for a future trip for sure.

The Kids had a play in the water (no stingers here) and then another bite to eat it was back into the car, back down the mountain and to finish it off a stop at Frosty Mango for some late afternoon ice cream.

This should be the next trip for the Delica Club NQ Chapter for sure.

1 comment:

Nana said...

These are nice family shots and it looks like a nice day. I updated my blog for Hana's birthday as well.